Tag Archives: Employment
Women in Cuba Are Struggling to Ride the Waves of Economic Reform
Cuba is currently undergoing a series of economic reforms with the hopes of “updating” their national economy. A significant component of these reforms are cuts to public sector employment. In total 1 million civil servants are expected to loose their jobs. Unfortunately these sweeping … Continue reading
(Why) Should there be Women Only Career Events?
The past years have shown the introduction of gender quotas for leading positions in many countries. Companies and public organisations then realised that in order to fill these positions they would have to attract the talent. However, the general recruiting … Continue reading
Seeking a Definition for Public Affairs
As a second year student in an MPA program much of one’s time is devoted to job hunting, clarifying one’s objectives and finessing one’s CV and cover letter to reflect this. This process demands that we understand the actors and … Continue reading
Gender quotas: World Economic Forum
What do gender quotas mean for women in the work place? This post explores two cases of affirmative action – the World Economic Forum and the US Federal Government. Continue reading
Only 13% of Partners at Goldman Sachs are Women
According to a recent study by NYT.com and Footnoted.com only 13% of current Goldman Sachs partners are women. This means that of the 475 current partners less than 62 are women. Yes, Goldman has increased this number from a measly … Continue reading