Tag Archives: Equity
Law & Order: Seeking Justice for Women in India
A recent poll conducted by the Thomas Reuters Foundation shows that gender experts believe India to be one of the top five most dangerous countries in the world for women. This is a result of human trafficking, forced marriage and violence against women. This poll … Continue reading
Harvard Kennedy School’s Women & Public Policy Program is Working Hard to Close the Gender Gap
I recently came across the Harvard Kennedy School’s Women and Public Policy Program website. WAPPP is a dedicated program that works toward the advancement of women and encourages the full participation of women in policy making. One way that WAPPP does this is … Continue reading
Can M.I.T. Imagine a World Without Gender Quotas?
Twelve years ago M.I.T. acknowledged that it had discriminated against women in ways that stymied equality between female and male colleagues on campus. Since that time M.I.T. has worked hard to reverse this pattern. They have accomplished this through a series of steps and measures designed to promote … Continue reading
Women’s Organizations: About UN Women | UN Women
In July of 2010 the United Nations created an organization devoted solely to promoting gender equity and empowerment of women. Officially becoming operational in January of this year, UN Women seeks: To support inter-governmental bodies, such as the Commission on … Continue reading
(Why) Should there be Women Only Career Events?
The past years have shown the introduction of gender quotas for leading positions in many countries. Companies and public organisations then realised that in order to fill these positions they would have to attract the talent. However, the general recruiting … Continue reading
Women’s Professional Organizations: What do they have to offer?
After starting WIPA I was often asked what’s the point of having a women’s organization? Is it only open to women? What exactly do you do? While most of these questions were pretty straightforward only the former question really challenged me in … Continue reading
Davos Women Part 2: NYTs ‘The Female Factor’ – Women Make Their Mark at Davos
In case you haven’t seen it the New York Times has a fantastic series called “The Female Factor.” This post’s focus is on an article written by Katrin Bennhold of the New York Times on women attendees at the World … Continue reading
Gender quotas: World Economic Forum
What do gender quotas mean for women in the work place? This post explores two cases of affirmative action – the World Economic Forum and the US Federal Government. Continue reading